Freitag, 26. November 2010

Can Anything Stop The Facebook Juggernaut?

So. Facebook. $35 billion valuation; 600 million users; 25% of all US Web traffic ?�and all that with fewer employees than Google has job openings. The inventor of the World Wide Web recently warned that the web�may be endangered by Facebook's colossal walled garden. A Google engineer was recently paid $3.5 million to not jump ship to work there. Facebook seems an unstoppable juggernaut. And I kind of want them to die. Not because of their policies. They've been reasonably sensitive to their users' wants, and willing to admit when they were wrong (remember Facebook Beacon?) There have been worrying signs of late, for example, their two-faced attitude towards data portability and their trademarking of the word "Face",�but I don't (yet) object to what they do. I dislike Facebook because they're mediocre. They have a platform and opportunity unlike anyone else, ever?and what have they done with it? Nothing. None of their so-called innovations are actually even remotely so. Copying Twitter was smart, but hardly new; ditto Foursquare. They called Facebook Groups an innovation; it's a basic feature they should have implemented years ago. Now they're laughably trying to claim that integrating email into their messaging system is a world-shaking revolution.

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