I?m loathe to write again about Wikileaks, or about its
pig-to-man founder, Julian Assange. Not because I?ve run out of things to say, but because the response is so predictable when I do. Within minutes, the Assange fanboys - the Wikiliebers, if you like - will swarm into the comments, accusing me of unfairly slandering their hero. ?He?s sticking it to The Man!? they'll cry, ?he?s disrupting the mainstream media!? they'll holler, ?it was a honeytrap!? they'll protest, until inevitably someone will accuse me of being in the pay of the US government and the whole thing will descend into farce. No forest of
Vanity Fair and
New Yorker profiles or unrelated
criminal allegations or hubristic statements about having ?
two wars I have to end? will convince the Wikiliebers of the truth: that Assange is an arrogant computer genius who began Wikileaks with the best of intentions but has since lost sight of his principles in the relentless pursuit of personal celebrity. (I say that like it?s a bad thing) But if I take some flak for my relatively inconsequential badgering of Assange, I can only imagine how much Bill Keller must be getting right now. After all, Bill Keller is the man who is about to put Wikileaks out of business once and for all.

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