Dienstag, 30. August 2011

Android And Apple Now Command Nearly 70 Percent Of U.S. Smartphone Market Share

smartphone market share july 11Android and Apple together now account for nearly 70 percent of smartphone subscribers in the U.S., according to new estimates for July put out today by comScore. Android phones command nearly 42 percent market share, while Apple's iPhone grew slightly to capture 27 percent. Android is growing faster, up 5.4 percent from April and up 1.7 percent from June, whereas Apple's share is up 1 percent for the three-month period and 0.4 percent fro the previous month. The two smartphone powers keep taking share from RIM's Blackberry, Microsoft, and Symbian. Blackberry took the biggest hit, down 4 points since April, 2011 to 21.7 percent. Microsoft's mobile OS share is down 1 percent to 5.7 percent of U.S. smartphone subscribers. And Symbian is barely hanging onto 1.9 percent share in the U.S.

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