Mittwoch, 26. Oktober 2011

(Founder Stories) Baseline Ventures, Steve Anderson: On Why He Invested In Heroku And Weebly

(Founder Stories) Baseline Sequence 4 FS Weebly.movIn part II of Chris Dixon's interview with�Baseline Ventures�founder,�Steve Anderson, Anderson discusses�two of his more successful investments: Heroku and Weebly. Weebly�is�a startup he led an investment in back in 2007 that helps consumers make websites. Most recently, Weebly launched a�professional service�to�help designers create pages for clients. Weebly may not be a household name just yet, but it's getting there. Anderson tells Dixon last year "10% of all websites created on the internet were created on Weebly." Additionally Weebly has purchased new office space and received a large $45 million round from Sequoia Capital (Anderson notes previous investments totaled $760,00).

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