Dienstag, 1. November 2011

Google+ for Android update now rolling out - UI changes and bug fixes aplenty


Google+ is getting some love tonight. The latest version has just been pushed to the Android Market and should be showing up for most folks. If not, you'll just have to sit tight for a little while longer. This release -- created during the Ice Cream Sandwich developement brings a few changes to the table.

Most notably the UI and styling of the app is more in tune with how Android 4.0 looks and for those who loaded up the previously leaked version -- it will look familiar but others changes can be found within as well such as:

  • Battery life improvements
  • Navigation and performance improvements
  • Significant notifications improvements
  • Brand new posting UI
  • Several bug fixes
  • Support for Google Apps users
  • Ability to sign out
  • Add people to a circle from circle profiles

All in all, a nice update that will hopefully correct a lot of concerns some have had. You can fire up the Android Market or grab it from the link below, where you'll also find some more screenshots

Source: Ben Eidelston

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