Samstag, 26. November 2011

Why Quad-Core?

quadcoreWe are entering into a new era, ladies and gentlemen. Well, "era" may not be the right word considering how quickly things change in these here mobile parts, but the fact remains the same: Quad-core mobile processors are here. And the ones that aren't quite here yet are coming. While many of our brilliantly geeky readers need no tutorial on the advantages of four processing cores, some of you may be thinking "Uh... OK, why do I care?" So I took it upon myself to place a few calls and get some of the big guns — Qualcomm, Nvidia, and TI — to explain why exactly you should care (or shouldn't), and what kind of differences technology like this can make in the average user's daily phone usage.

app gawker gizmodo crunchgear

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