Samstag, 10. März 2012

Comcast: No Netflix for You! Come Back, Never! [NetFlix]

Comcast has issued a strongly-worded statement clarifying its position in those discussions Netflix was rumored to be engaging in earlier this week: not us, not our devices, not ever. More »

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1 Kommentar:

  1. How the mighty have fallen, last year Netflix was being courted by cabled companies looking for a partnership, now the roles are reversed and Netflix is the one getting providers snubbing them. Just goes to prove what comes around goes around, but apparently there was one provider who decided to partner with the cable killer as they used to be known. Netflix has definitely stumbled over itself the last year, first with the price increase and Qwikster fiasco, and then losing 800+ movies from Starz this month. Leads to a stressed subscriber base, and makes those of us that left before happier that we did. When Netflix announced its price increase I decided it was time to say goodbye, I mean did I need streaming from them? Amazingly working at DISH the answer was right in front of me and it was a rather large no I didn’t. I get set up on the Blockbuster @home plan, got streaming on DISH online, DVD rentals by mail, and more streaming through my receiver. I can always find something to watch now, including the entire Starz catalog.
