Montag, 2. Januar 2012

CyanogenMod 7 nightly builds now available for SE Xperia Active, Xperia Pro and LG Thrill

Android Central

Following a slew of other phones late last week, the CyanogenMod team has just added nightly build support for three new devices -- Sony Ericsson's Xperia Pro and Xperia Active, as well the LG Thrill 4G -- AT&T's version of the Optimus 3D. Nightly builds of the popular custom ROM are built every day by the team's army of robots, giving advanced users the change to try out the very latest untested versions, bugs and all. They're also an important milestone towards a device being fully supported by CM.

Also worth noting is the fact that these nightlies are based on the current CyanogenMod 7 release, rather than the upcoming CyanogenMod 9, so if you're after ICS on these devices, then you'll have to wait a little while longer. We've got individual device links after the jump, or alternatively you can hit the source link to see all CM7 nightly builds.

Source: CM Mirror Network; via: XperiaBlog, +Ricardo Cerquiera

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